Sunday, April 15, 2012

Lawn Dart - oh yeah

My friend and colleague gave me a cocktail book last week.  It has many, many recipes that look interesting so will give this blog many more months of material at least.

It is essentially summer's prelude here in Texas, the average high is 80 degrees, people are in shorts and tank tops, flip flops.  Grass is growing quickly and thoughts turn to the light, refreshing drinks such as margaritas and G&Ts.

In this book, a cocktail called the Lawn Dart caught my eye.  It has green bell pepper.  What you say?  Yes, I know, weird ingredient.  But it makes the drink.

Muddle a slice or two of green bell pepper with 1.5 oz agave syrup
The add and shake over ice:

2 oz tanqueray (I only had T10)
2 oz high quality tequila blanco
1.5 oz lime juice
0.5 oz green chartreuse

Strain and serve over rocks or pebbles


This is my new favorite drink.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Good as gold

Hi all!  I know, it has been awhile.  We are in the process of selling the small bar to move into a larger bar that has more space for the liquor.  Er, I mean we are in the process of moving to a bigger house!

My bestie Winnie gave me a cocktail book, the PDT cocktail book, this week and it has so many awesome and interesting recipes.  I started out easy, because I did not want to mess anything up!

The Gold Rush is a variation on the Whisky Sour, an all time favorite of mine, and it used honey in the stead of simple syrup.  The honey imparts a rich color and flavor to the drink that improves the experience over a traditional whisky sour.

The Gold Rush

2 oz bourbon
0.75 oz Lemon juice
1 oz honey

Shake in ice and pour over cubes in a rocks glass.

I was a little short on the honey (we were running out) and a little long on the lemon juice (it was a Meyer lemon so I did not want to discard the extra juice!) but it still tuned out lovely.  Definitely an easy, delicious drink for a warm spring evening!