I had the good fortune to visit Panama last week. I had spent some time in my 20s living in Costa Rica, and loved it. I expected Panama would be similar to Costa Rica, being that they share a border and are both part of central america. I was somewhat surprised to find a city whose skyline was more Hong Kong than San Jose. I had hoped for some earthy black beans and rice with every meal, but was met with a New York Bagel shop and italian eateries. It seems that a shared border does not mean a shared cuisine!
In addition to the howler monkeys, sloth, humpback whales and seeing my family, a great discovery was Cerveza Atlas, one of the national beers of Panama. I am partial, as my son's name is Atlas. I can't say the beer is anything to import, but there is something special about finding a beer with the same name as your kid! At least if you like booze as I do.....
So, here ya go, a photo of Atlas (the beer, not the kid):
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